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Sunday, May 15, 2005 so i've finally gotten a job.currently workin at Essential O brew at holland v. pay's not fantastic or anything, but its fun n the ppl are really nice (well so far) the part-timers are mostly nus students or ppl waitin fer uni/poly as well. so tis good, same age grp blabla. and since im workin part time, i get to continue even after school starts, so finally. income. works been ok so far. fridae was e killer, till 2am. legs all achin from walkin n kneelin so much. 2nd floor's e no shoes floor. argh. but it was cool. mum wasnt too happy wif it at first but now she's ok i guess. fri n sat nites, they open till 2 am so if i have night shift i only get back at 2 30. so i can finally go clubbin AND come home that nite itself instead of stayin out or sleepin over somewhere.lol.just tell her i got work. ahaha. but shit, gotta be back by 230.ahh. i got into NUS Sci. i am ever so happy now, got into my dream course, still cant believe its true tho. got all my letters, all so confusing. dunno which form to fill back, which form to send back, how to pay my fees balblablaaaaa..argh!!! thank god fer my frens. met nair, naz n meenal last fri noon. they gave me a lowdown on wad to expect n wad to do n really now i feel soooo much better. esp since nair's also in science, doin life sci (wad i wanna do), i feel abit more relaxed. there's also hua, who's also in sci n jo, in nus.all really helpin me lots. oh n miru babes also gg into nus so yay! my best fren's joinin me so i wun be alone. too bad we're not in e same fac, or it'd be perfect. wow, thank god fer frens. :) im gonna get a new mp3 player next week! woohoo! not that im rich or anything, just gonna pay by instalments and its damn cheap la!! woohooooooo! cant wait to get it. but contrary to my blog site, im gettin a Creative Zen Micro, not a iPod. hehe. oops, traitor. lol. ah well too bad, iPod doesnt have a radio. now i need a hp. sigh. wish i didnt lose my hp. ARGHHHHHHHHH.
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