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Thursday, February 26, 2004 so im sittin in my homeroom.break time..sigh..got chem test later at 5..4 killer topics..i kinda studied todae..but kinda worried cuz i din reali do my tutorials..so ya i know e facts but dunno how to apply..oh well..we'll see how far e facts can carry me when da results r out.. :POH! i FINALLYYYYYYYYYYY bought my discman! so happy!!! wheeeee!!! its an aiwa one..got fm/am as well..and its slim n nice n silver n pretty..was not my first choice..but im happy wid it.wanted e slim damn pretty bluish purplish discman wif fm/am n all..but that wasover 200 dollars..got mine fer 130..which i thnk is damn cheap..e sellin price is actually 160...then e niceeeeeeeee woman at da shop sold it to me fer 130 cuz i gave her a long sob story abt how im a budget tite student.. :) im going to go back to her fer any electrical appliance that i need..she n me good frens now.. :P vik's gone away fer a 3 dae stay in camp..its not reali his own company's camp but he's working part time fer another company, also as a camp instructor as a sideline thing..the camp's somewhere in choa chu kang..near my primary 5 camp place (CAMP CHRISTINE)..hmm..missin him.. my classmates all look so dead..i feel kinda dead as well..the weeks are gettin more n more tiresome..weekends feel so short..and we're all not even reali lookin forward to weekends cuz rite after e weekend ends, the sch week starts again..its so monotonous..juz studying n studyin n crammin fer e countless amts of tests that we haf n finishin up loads of tutorials n tryin desperatly to catch up..sigh..thank god its gonna be over in about 9 mths time..thats act quite scary..9 months to As!!! *FAINTS* (0) comments Monday, February 23, 2004 wokay..my dance performance is finallllyyyyyyyyyy over....woohooo..4 mths of intensive trainin under ma teacher..is OVER! kinda sad cuz there goes my work-out source..but ah well..there's always other sources..well firstly i waanna thank e followin ppl fer bein so ever kind as to come down to support me..this, is a VERY TEDIOUS thing..cuz it was a rather boring show..fully classical indian dance show lasting fer more than 2 hours..i think thats enuf said :P 1. ma dearie vik..thanks fer comin tho u haf no interest at all in all these cultural stuff n tho i couldnt even tok to u cuz my mum was starin :) 2. my darling babe, miruna (thanks fer e flowers babe..its damn pretty) 3. my wonderful classmates..my brotha joey n nonsense ganesh..reali thanks! joey thanks tho u din understand anything..n ganesh, know ure feelin sick..yet u came..thanks! 4. dear meenal..rushing after work n rushin home late to get scolded...thanks so much. 5. oh my mummy (whom vik claimed looked damn hot that dae..sigh) my daddy n my preggie sister..ya umaka..thanks fer dressin us up..and NO, i dun think we danced well juz cuz of yr make-up :P my classmates have gone crazy..joey rolled up his pants till his knees n is singing some chinese nursery rhyme..he looks likle some retarded small kid...chris is as usual singing totally out of tune..jc is determined that i muz thank him, tho he didnt come for e show at alll..AND NOW MY HAIR IS ALL MESSED UP CUZ OF HIM! aefgggh..and joey is molesting the poor teddy bear..USING MY PHONE! *FAINTS* HELP. (0) comments Tuesday, February 17, 2004 lala..im so shleeeppyy..my other grandma..as in mum's mum..came over to staY Ydae..slept in ma room...so i had to sleep in da hall..and she's da sort who's allergic to everything..even WIND..and she refused to sleep wif da door closed.so i couldnt even on e fan in e hall..i attempted to sneak ard n close e room door n on e fan but she'd start screamiin everytime i tried it..sigh..then both she n ma other grandma both took turns burping/groanin/talking LOUDLY in their sleep/snoring VERY LOUDLY THROUGHT THE NITE and i was practically awake the whole night..so abit da disorrientated todae..![]() todae, daljit me n chris were toking abt r'ships..and how our parents are rite..that we shdnt reali trust guys that much..i mean after all they've got nothing to lose n us gurls..haf got EVERYTHIN to lose..but i juz feel rite where i am..i reali feel like he's da one..i can imagine us..10 yrs down da road..i dunno why..when i liked other ppl in da past..wsnt like that..was always a short term thingee..couldnt imagine going beyond that..maYbe its cuz i like him fer who he is inside..and not his exterior..yup..so juz wanna tell everyone..not ALL guys shdnt be trusted...if ure mature enuf..n know fer yrself that this is THE ONE..i dunno how to explain it..there's not a SPECIFIC defination fer how to know if yr other half is da one..but u'll know wad i mean..u'll juz know that it is..like how i do now. :) (0) comments Monday, February 16, 2004 hey guys im back!and guess wad..TMT is FINALLY OVER@!!! wooohooo!!! no more crazy ICS meetings...no more late nite dance practises..no more ICSSSSSSSS!!! woohooo! well ok i take back my last point..there WILL still be ics...but its back to being slack ics..no moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! wooohooo! so happy!!!well..abt e show..i dun reali wanna tok abt it..it went well great all e way till e end but there was a cock up at e end..well i juz wanna tell certain ppl..like..jaya n thash n sameema n all..its not yr fault yA? dun blame yrself..am reali grateful fer wad u guys haf done..reaLI REALI grateful :) suprisisngly..my first VDAE wid him wasnt that eventful..maybe its cuz both of us haf been real buzy n had no time to prepare fer anythin..i didnt even get him anything! ya i feel so guilty..but i had fun aniweiz..toking wif him..spendin quality time..havin a great dinner..juz hanging out..but poor baby..he's all sick now..sighz..i wanna get fer him sth..but i dunno wad..ydae nite i ATTEMPTEED to bake a caKE..i ended up making a rock..as in seriously..i had to use a CHOPPER to cut thru e cake..sigh..nvm..practise makes perfect :P well hope he gets better..sigh...... gosh im so broke nowwwwww...brokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...i need money!!!!!! who owes me money ah?!@ betta give me back ok! sigh.. lalalala..finally got time in my life to do stuff i wanna do..yayyy..lalala.. sigh im so sleepy..*yawn* lack of sleep..ok gotta go think of ways to get money..see ya guys.. *muackz* (0) comments Tuesday, February 10, 2004 heyyyyy..back back..sighz..school's so tiring..cant wait fer this sat fer tmt to be OVER..gosh im juz dying these daes..no time fer ANYTHING excpet ics ics ics ics ics..sigh..aniwei i gotta go fer this stupid TAF camp next fridae till sat and THAT'S MY DANCE PERFORMANCE NITE! i told e stupid teacher n he gaf me this look that saID "gurl i know ure lying" im so pissed k!!! arghhh then he said i muz come on saturdae morning..arghhhh.,,harlow he thinks i energizer battery izzit?!@@ i'll be so damn dead tired after ma performance n he wants me to go for fat people reunion?!@?!?! arghhhhhhhhhhh..MUZ LOSE WEIGHT BEFORE THAT!!! im so stressed these daes..got da ics show this sat..next fri is my dance performance (n stupid taf camp) n this week itself got TWO tests(both of which i haven started studying for) and drama production rehearsals haf started..sigh..im playin this chief engineer fer robots guy..dun even know if its a big role or not..hope its not..wanna spend my time studyin n become a N.E.R.D.. block tests are comin n i dun wanna flunkkkkkkkk...argghhhh.sighz going to go shopping todae fer all the ics stuff n dance costumes n stuff..hope everything goes fine..ok wad am i doing online when im fereva complaining of no time? good point.(0) comments |
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