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Tuesday, February 17, 2004 lala..im so shleeeppyy..my other grandma..as in mum's mum..came over to staY Ydae..slept in ma room...so i had to sleep in da hall..and she's da sort who's allergic to everything..even WIND..and she refused to sleep wif da door closed.so i couldnt even on e fan in e hall..i attempted to sneak ard n close e room door n on e fan but she'd start screamiin everytime i tried it..sigh..then both she n ma other grandma both took turns burping/groanin/talking LOUDLY in their sleep/snoring VERY LOUDLY THROUGHT THE NITE and i was practically awake the whole night..so abit da disorrientated todae..![]() todae, daljit me n chris were toking abt r'ships..and how our parents are rite..that we shdnt reali trust guys that much..i mean after all they've got nothing to lose n us gurls..haf got EVERYTHIN to lose..but i juz feel rite where i am..i reali feel like he's da one..i can imagine us..10 yrs down da road..i dunno why..when i liked other ppl in da past..wsnt like that..was always a short term thingee..couldnt imagine going beyond that..maYbe its cuz i like him fer who he is inside..and not his exterior..yup..so juz wanna tell everyone..not ALL guys shdnt be trusted...if ure mature enuf..n know fer yrself that this is THE ONE..i dunno how to explain it..there's not a SPECIFIC defination fer how to know if yr other half is da one..but u'll know wad i mean..u'll juz know that it is..like how i do now. :)
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