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Tuesday, September 30, 2003 im pmsing.and stuff happening ard me aint helping much.and its IRRITATING ME! argh! vik's not in a good mood either..so our conversation a while ago was pretty much monotonous..i gave up tryin to cheer him up cuz seriously.i need cheering up. :( pms sux.argh.i think im kinda lettin out my BLEGH-ness to him..he juz nicely sms-ed me tellin me he'll call back later cuz e phone is being used n i had to juz reply back an "ok." if u know me well enuf..u usually figure out that i send lengthy whinding sms-es even if the reply is juz an OK.sigh.i feel even more BLEAGH now. studying todae wasn't a great achievement as well.maybe that's why im so BLEAGH. nah.its pms.i didnt cover the stuff i wanted to cover todae.not sure why.dun think it was e environment..meema's place was pretty much condusive if u put yr heart to it.guess i juz wasn't in da mood to reali sit down n study.maybe i wont sleep tonite n study instead.got no school tmrw aniweis so i went to s'goon to accompany my mum to buy stuff fer e prayers tmrw..AND THE FREAKING LIGHTS ARE ON ALREADI.maybe that's why im feeling BLEAGH.i wanted to be suprised after my exams.i tot they'd onli lite it up next week.k that's a REAL crappy reason to be BLEAGH.yeah so basically i was the luggage dumper fer e dae..that's why my mum asked me along..to carry stuff..aiayh.i shall stop bitching la..she was real nice n asked me many many tyms if i wanted anyhting but i juz said no cuz i was feeling BLEAGH.then came home ard 8 30.din lyk e food at home.was act FREAKIN hungry at s'goon but by e tym i got home i was sooo hungry that i wasn't hungry anymore.get it? so i ate bread wif peanut butter n drank milo.kinda full now. i reali hope my pms ends soon.im gettin pretty sick of myself bithcing.im sooo pms-y that even if u come tell me a joke i'll prob show u this. ![]() (0) comments Monday, September 29, 2003 oh my god! my normal thingee is back! i love blog! hehe..aniwei i juz added my gallery in..got pics..not many at da moment tho..check it out ya?(0) comments hmm there's sth wrong wif my blog. the place where i type in my new posting is all gone..so its back to e plain old posting thingee..I WANT MY COOL THINGEE BACK! anyone know how to get it back? sigh. had my gp n tamil paper todae..was pretty ok..pass-able..tamil was rather easy. . hopin for an A..sigh..but had a teerrribbleee headache thru e 2nd paper of tamil and im still having it..sigh..argh..alreadi took 2 panadol..sigh..pain pain pain.. not realli in a veri good mood now..thank god ive got no school tmrw..think im going sam's house to study..then i'll be accompanyin mums go tekka..cuz she wants to get some stuff fer my uncle's death anniversary prayers on wed.. haikx..i wanna sleep but im not reali that sleepy..head still hurts *hears boing boing sounds thundering in her head* (0) comments Sunday, September 28, 2003 ![]() (0) comments gosh im tired..i juz came back home abt an hour ago..k fine that isn't reali very late but i did LOTSA studying n walking todae..so both my brains n legs are kinda gone.. i had a wonnnderfullllll tym todaeee! finally met him after one wholee week..was so..nice juz sitting there wif him beside me (tho i was doin the horrible task of studying). it juz felt so..comfy n rite..lyk that's where im supposed to be..beside him..sigh..it feels good to be in lurve :P tmrw's my gp n tamil paper..im seriously not freaking out.reali.serious.i dunno..mayb its cuz its GP n TAMIL..the two subj that i dun reali haf to study..i mean gp i know im gg to screw it up anwiei n heck i dun care abt it cuz that stupid jillian is reali pissin me off nowadays..hmm..shdn't that be an incentive fer me to do well? so that i can show her that i dun hafta pay attention in her class to score? SHE GAVE ME A FUCKING 28 UPON 50 FOR CLASS PARTICIPATION..and gosh..to think i always take part in class discussions n give intelligent comments (seriously..in gp class i think "intellectual intelligent") she is such a biatch..shall not bother to even LOOK interested ANYMORE.HMPH. well there's nth to sstudy fer gp aniwei..mayb i'll look thru e tactics lter..MUZ NOT LET JILLIAN WIN. (for those pityful souls who aren't in my school..jillian's my gp tutor..jillian lee..ppl who respect her call her ms lee) i cant wait fer exams to be over..im looking forward to e promos actually..im quite scared for bio but ive been studying so i guess this is it..to see if studying actually helps *prays* sigh..i guess i dun regret getting retained..tho i whine abt it lyk hell cuz i haf to spend 3 yrs in school instead of 2 n cuz all my yr2 frens (cept gra n gang) seem to be drifitng apart from me..but i seriously dun..i luveeeeee my classmates this yr as well..they are juz as wonderful as the peeps last yr..school aint that horrible if i get used to it..and im actually doin better..much better...guess its betta in da long run..sigh..shd haf juz worked harder last yr..but its ok..its not too late..neva is. (0) comments i got a tag board! tag-you! wheeeee (0) comments Saturday, September 27, 2003 I DID IT!!!! i actually single handedly..without help from ANYONE! (well except those ppl at the help corner of the website) DID UP MY BLOG SKIN! gosh it looks so pretty now.. and i learn new comp terms!! whee! im so proud of myself *snif*snif* sigh.. *contented slump back on ma chair*and u know wad..i took onlyyy 2 hours! hey! some ppl take DAYS OK..and i had to redo it cuz once i clicked accidentally on da cancel button without saving n almoz got an heart attack (i symphatise wif u brindz) phew its alreadi 1142..ive been thinking its still 10 plus..hmm he's still not home.. guess he's reali enjoying himself at ricky's place.. well at least ONE OF US are out there.. nvm.studying is GOOD. I LOVEEEEE CHEMISTRYYYYYY.. *puke* so sameema juz told me i dun mention her enuf in my blogs (the old one) here goes.. SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM IS AN ASS SAM SAM OOPSIE..it juz came naturally dear... MUACKZ hehe im feeling so lightheaded..lyk..i juz accomplished sth great..wheee.. for those who think "its juz a stewpig blog" (yes im refering to u maran) TRY EDITING IT AND SPENDING SOOOOO MUCH TIME ON IT and THEN u'll know how much it means..hehe ok i needa rest my poor fingers..time to torture my brain cells instead..ah life's juz abt torture..love that dunch ya? *muackx* (0) comments Sunday, September 21, 2003 wheeeee finally..a blog that's more user friendly than blurty's..BLURTY'S SUX! wheee..(0) comments |
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