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Saturday, September 27, 2003 I DID IT!!!! i actually single handedly..without help from ANYONE! (well except those ppl at the help corner of the website) DID UP MY BLOG SKIN! gosh it looks so pretty now.. and i learn new comp terms!! whee! im so proud of myself *snif*snif* sigh.. *contented slump back on ma chair*and u know wad..i took onlyyy 2 hours! hey! some ppl take DAYS OK..and i had to redo it cuz once i clicked accidentally on da cancel button without saving n almoz got an heart attack (i symphatise wif u brindz) phew its alreadi 1142..ive been thinking its still 10 plus..hmm he's still not home.. guess he's reali enjoying himself at ricky's place.. well at least ONE OF US are out there.. nvm.studying is GOOD. I LOVEEEEE CHEMISTRYYYYYY.. *puke* so sameema juz told me i dun mention her enuf in my blogs (the old one) here goes.. SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM IS AN ASS SAM SAM OOPSIE..it juz came naturally dear... MUACKZ hehe im feeling so lightheaded..lyk..i juz accomplished sth great..wheee.. for those who think "its juz a stewpig blog" (yes im refering to u maran) TRY EDITING IT AND SPENDING SOOOOO MUCH TIME ON IT and THEN u'll know how much it means..hehe ok i needa rest my poor fingers..time to torture my brain cells instead..ah life's juz abt torture..love that dunch ya? *muackx*
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