Monday, March 19, 2007

hey all! just a shout out to let you'll know alive.

yes its true, my trusty ibook died on me, but by no fault of its own! i ACCIDENTALLY *Read-clumsy me* spilled a few drops (fine a little bit more) of water onto e keyboard and it has not revived from it. hopefully the ppl at NUS comp care can do sth and revive my baby. i am missing it many many! oh i feel so lost without it. sigh. now only ever online when im rushing assignments or projects or when sangithah is not using it...after all, this is kinda her comp since i got my lappie and forbade her to touch it..yes i brought it on to i miss my MSN buds many many toooo

aniweis remember a few (hundred) posts ago, i wrote about dancing and dhool and ics in sajc and stuff..well i remember writing about how i'm gg to have to eat my words about saying i dun ever wan2 dance again and it seems like its really true!

btw im not talking about classical dance, that one is alreadi ingrained, no escape for life.

but im ever so apprehensive. dunno if i'm taking the right decision, but well i dun want to leave with regrets of "maybe i shd have....".

i guess its better to say "i tried it and totally regretted it" rather than "man, would it be the same if i had did it?"

aniweis i have truckloads of pics to upload..yes still enjoying the feeling of being a new-camera owner but this house comp of mine is ever so ancient and ya by the time i upload the pics my ibook will be back with me so just wait aight..

ok i'm off to watch CSI..nights peeps..till the next eon i blog...sigh...

KaLa Had Some Curry @ 1:19 AM |

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Saturday, March 10, 2007


in a very bad mood now. thumpng pounding in head + slow internet service + long tiring day is not a good combination.

aniweis i got a new camera. yay. got it for a very good deal at the it-fucking crowded-fair. before u all go around cursing me about being so bloody rich pls take note :

i only paid abt 40 plus for my phone as i had $200 worth of vouchers. as for the camera, i've been saving up using my tuition fees since my old canon spoiled, which was MONTHS ago...

aniweis i'm too arsed to upload the pics i took of my new babies so i'm just gonna leave u with these...

MY new phone............. *pound pound goes my head*

MY new camera. YES. in that exact same colour.

i'm really happy with my purchases but as i said, i'm in a super arsed mood for God knows why.

have a birthday party to attend tmr and i hate having to go for dressy-events after dance class.

make up wun stay on cuz of e sweat
even if it does, everything is spoiled cuz of the stink
and its a little difficult to dress up at dance class toilet.
cant wear anything toooo modern as u gotta walk past the main office.
sigh. not good.

and the theme of the party is SULTRY! *faints* those of you who were complaining about my retro theme, better thank your lucky stars now! AND ITS AT ULLUATED SERANGOON GARDENS COUNTRY CLUB!

sigh. the pounding is getting louder and louder.

i better go get started on my damned essay.

*grumbles mumbles*

KaLa Had Some Curry @ 11:32 PM |

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Friday, March 09, 2007

new new new all new!

ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!

i have a new niece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i have a new handphone!!!!!


and i have a new haircut which cut away my dried and damaged and thinned hair!!!!

i know those aren't exactly pics of my handphone or my new haircut but i'm too excited about the new bundle of oh-so-adorable-irresistable joy!!

that doesn't mean i forgot about navina k...i just didnt take pics of her using my new (samsung d900 3 mp) phone cuz i didn't see her todae...i still love navina very much. as much as i love her new younger sister...


gosh i have one more lil one to spoil. one more lil one to buy little stuff to spoil them with. one more lil one to go play with. one more lil one to babysit for my sis. one more lil one in my life!!!!

if u cant tell by now, i just love being an aunt! my job is just to spoil them like crazy and leave the disciplining up to their mummy and daddy.

hahahahahahaha HOW GREAT IS THAT MAN!

ohmygosh i'm so happy!!!!!!!



p.s all pics were taken by my very new very beautiful very MINE phone.
p.p.s pics of my phone and hair will be up soon, for those who

KaLa Had Some Curry @ 12:21 AM |

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