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Monday, February 26, 2007 i*nerd is backyes i am back. after 1.5 semesters away (last sem as a nerd was unsucessful), i've decided to resurface my evil nerdy face.meaning dun ask me out during term time unless its during the weekends. meaning i need to get my ass down to serious work. meaning for the next 2 mths or so, my weekdays (gimme a break, weekends are alreadi devoted to dance and sitar and tuition i dun need studyin!) will revolve around experimental mol and cell bio, bio infomatics, cell biology, sci of music and marketing. right now, true to my nerd roots, i'm going to watch cell bio webcasts. ok WAIIIIIIIIIIIT! i have sth un-nerdish i wan2 talk about. i watched 2 movies on fridae night. yes i know. but it was fun! so yar first movie was ghost-rider. i HAD to watch that as the bf wanted to..and he always gives in to my sappy romantic comedies so yar..give in lar... it was an al-right movie to while yr time away i guess..nth inspirational..unless of course yr dream is to sell your soul to the devil and then hope for a second chance to do things rite by punishing evil people by letting them feel their own pain and at the same time ruin the roads with yr flaming-but-never-melting tyres. so the thing i wanted to blog about is the 2nd movie i watched... PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS firstly, no i did not spell it wrongly. that's how it is spelled ok. watch the movie and u will understand. anyways it is a great movie i think...its just sensational...because of will smith!! i just love him (always) but he really proved that he has the calibre for great acting with this movie. Without the typical slap-stick Will Smith humour, u really can see his acting shining. everyone should really watch it..its inspirational (but i'm still doubting the reasoning behind the movie that $ is everything?) and the important thing is the beautiful relationship between father and son (played by smith's real life ultimately adorably cute son) which really makes u go "awwwwww." Makes u think the length parents will go to provide a good life for their children and i really can relate to it personally, which is why i guess it affected me so much. also the sheer determination and never-give-up attitude and the fact that its a true-story makes u go "AHHHHHHH" too... so anyways i left the theatre in tears. as usual. so it is a real good movie. not a typical feel-good one. but just great! go watch aights?! -transforms back to i*nerd- back to lecture 9 of cell biology.; (0) comments Wednesday, February 21, 2007 i am suddenly feeling very loving and so would like to declare that i love all of u! *muacks* also, i want to declare that NUS is cheating me out of my holidays. also, i want to declare that i have no more stamina to study till 2 or 3 am into the night. 1 30 seems to be the maximum. also, i want to declare that i had a great vday (albeit one dae late) dinner at Zambuca @ Pan Pacific Hotel. Thanks for the great (rather extravagant) 5-star dinner dear, and the beautiful flowers, and the wonderful walk/talk we had after. Thanks for making me feel like royalty. Thanks for being my love for almost 4 years. ![]() ![]() also, i want to declare that CSI SEASON 7 IS COMING BACK TMR!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also, i want to declare that seson 7 will not be all that great actually cuz my heart-throb grisham will not be there for most of it. sobsob. also, i want to declare that i have found new love in HEROES. i love hiro! and the mind-reading police officer. aso, i want to declare that my sister is going to pop anytime within the next 3 weeks! :) also, i want to declare that i'm dead tired after doing 2 1/2 webcasts in a row and i feel old. also, i want to declare that the epic movie is a stupid movie which is not worth even 5 bucks and everyone's better off watching free webcasts. also, i want to declare that i want to watch dreamgirls. also, i want to declare that i want to go petaling jaya and see red and pink roses *private laugh with sunitha* also, i want to declare that i have pretty much declared more than enough. (0) comments Monday, February 12, 2007 FAMILY weekendseriously my whole weekend was just spent with my family ( and dance, and sitar and tuition...but ya...) friday night was cousin's night out! we started this tradition a few years ago...hmmm cant remember exactly when but i remember it was when we all went bowling at marina after the movie and all 8 or 9 of us SQUEEZED into a 3/4 seater yellow sports-car coupe...lol...those were the times.. aniweis dear lekshmi-akka is back from aussie for a few weeks so we decided to have another cousin's night out while all of us are here...i think e last time we had one was...hmmm...really long...so long i cant even remember. ah! aniweis we started out by meeting at lau pa sat to eat lousy and realli overpriced food! so pathetic la, $15 stingray looked like longkang fish and $8 kangkong look like 40 cents vege from market. the only good thing was the duck satay (YUMM) and bbq-ed chix wings... (yumm yummm). too bad some LOSERS like umaka, kathiyayini and niran refused to eat the duck satay.. after lau pa sat, we went over to the settler's cafe at clarke quay. getting there was so difficult man! its like no where near clarke quay la! and my brother-in-law was so irritated at driving around n findin it he almost wanted to drive home... i mean can't they just tell us that its opp chinatown point!?!? that's just like near my sitar class lar!!! give dunno wad macdonalds direction la this one la dunno what police post big field etc etc. u think i know where is every single police post in singapore is located issit? aniweis we finally reached there at like 10 plus pm..and noone (except me and niran and maybe kathiyayini) were excited at the prospect of playin board games for the rest of the nite..hahahaha..well u cant blame us la, i mean leks akka and kk supposed to plan the whole thing and they DIDN'T so me and niran took charge..and it seemed fun, to return to our childhooood! weee. aniweis had a hard time convincing the older people..hahaha they wanted to go some bar and hang out but kathiyayini and sangithah are like underage la... aniweis we had a great time playing stupid games!!! like taboooooo!!! hahahahahaha oh my god so hilarious!!!!!!! PUMZ VS GREEN-APPLE MILKSHAKE!!! p.s PUMZ -> Pioneer Urmi Mellamz (sangithah's team, she's the thalaivi) while the other half of us are GREEN-APPLE MILKSHAKE. actually its just green-apple, vanithaka's favourite fruit but we wanted something sexier so added milkshake ( as in the song MILKSHAKE by kellis??) hahahahahaha so aniweis we laughed and screamed the whole place down and really laughed till all our stomachs were hurting and after we left the place around 1 30, everyone agreed that it was one of the best cousin's night cuz EVERYONE meaning EVERYONE was there...vanithaka (and satish), lekshmi-akka, sathya, niran, umaka (and rajmaama), me (and vik--by request of rajmaama i had to invite him), krishna kumar, sangithah and kathiyayini. yup. it was just great la! i love my family.. and on saturdae, after sitar and horrendous tuition where i almost lunged at the neck of my tuition kid, i went over to town to buy the chocolate for my chocolate fountain (!) and some fruits and dipping stuff and presents, my uncle came down to fetch me and we all went down to TP Staff Lounge for the gatherin (yes. yet another family gathering) prenote : it is also a tradition in our family (rather new, about 3 years ago, after my grandmum passed away. it was put into place because we didin't want the family to drift apart just because my grandma was not there for us to come visit) to have family gatherings every other month to celebrate all the birthdays that occur during that span of time.. usually at TP staff lounge as my uncle is the head of security, some bigshot la..so we can use that place.. so it was another great time! I RODE A BUGGY!!!!!! WOOHOOO ITS LIKE DAMN FUN LAR!! and i ferried ppl around in the buggy while my uncle was threatening me..he's such a funny guy la..lol...aniweis we had so much fun playinhh charades and singing competition and tai tee and bridge and eating and talking and drinking chocolate off the chocolate fountain...yummyyy.. great again navina was so adorable la, she was really enjoying herself and flirting with this other damn cute small boy there..hahahaha..went home at like 3 am!!!! next morning got sitar class somemore, felt like i had a horrible hangover!!!! hahahahahahahaha, in e evening after i came back from dance, vanithaka and satish were over so we just hung out and watched dhool and the "avarkal" nadagam. see i told u? whole weekend gone to family! alrite i needa get my ass down to get some work done! am so freakin lagging behind, oh kadavulae, pls help! (0) comments Tuesday, February 06, 2007 amidst all the hatred and curses of exams, tests, midterms, post-holiday weight and what-nots, lets remember that it's time to spread a lil luuuuuurveeeeeeeee in about a week's time.. (i however, will be spending my Vdae in MD7, LS LAB, pipetting, micropipetting, mixing reagents, possible gel running, possible playing with carcinogenic ethidium bromide and basically having no life...but oh, that's JUST me...) sob story aside, we all know how commercialised vdae has become and yet how we all succumb to it anyways cuz we look like cheapskates if we dun or we'll just get accused of not "loving me enuf" and how its impossible to find a previously dirt-cheap rose for anything below 20 dollars... and here i come to save the daaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... ![]() valentine's flowers for a dirt cheap price! click HERE*flowers*flowers*HERE for more info, guaranteed cheap price and great quality, and of course KLKewl service :P (0) comments Monday, February 05, 2007 neckache.backache.eyeache (?).headache. i'm sorry my dear loyal (5) readers. i have no interesting things to blog about. i'm not going to blog about interesting nuggests about my love life, school life, social life etc etc all because i have NO LIFE. MY LIFE has been sucked away the moment i entered the life science faculty. and then i try to get em back during e hols. try to salvage whatever i can. and then now, its back to sucking-life syndrome again. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (0) comments
ole ole ole ole!!! singapura won!!!!! yeahhh yeahhhhh!!! sighs not been a good week for me otherwise..dissapointments after dissapointments. sigh sigh. its alrite, 3rd time lucky maybe eh? sighs sighs. hmm well tiring weekend. just feel like i need another weekend to recuperate from weekends. taking on that 3 hr tuition right smack in the middle of saturday afternoons was a reaalllyyyy bad idea. but wells. i my whole weekned is gone towards sitar, tuition and dance. i think i prefer weekedays more to weekends. euch. was watching dhool earlier on tv. reminded me of my own pathetic array into that competition about 4 years ago? yup 4 years! hahaha the very first dhool. lalala such horrible times. lol. but it was fun in a weird "hair tearing-cries of frustration-nights spent sewing costumes-sweat spent choreographing-voice spent screaming at unwilling members-tempers flaring at the dance members who backed out last min-frustration at being forced to take part just so that the under represented JC aspect will be represented-embarrassment at knowing ure in not cuz ure good just cuz they need a so-called balance-fear of boos and woes kinda FUN. oh yes such memories. its no wonder i dun realli wanna take part in any more dance comps. cuz the last one was such a horror. ok la that was not the last one. the last one was TMT 3 years ago. that one another horror. sighs. i was always spendin my every energy convincing people to dance, dancing myself, doin the emceeing, preparing the function itself, getting stuff done as the ics VP and preparing every single thing from head to toe. so yes, enuf of that. i think. i have a feeling i might have to eat up these very words very very soon...hmmm.. on better news, hmm..nothing much la. tryin very hard to be a nerd in school but im really lagging behind in terms of webcasts. ive set aside 2 days this week to finish them up but im always so drained after just one webcast. sighs. ok i gotta go do up my prac lab report stuff. horrors again. adiooss amigoooss. (0) comments |
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