Tuesday, December 26, 2006

random thoughts

-the two of them are perfect for each other. he knows her every wish. he takes care of her. but she is blind to his affections.

-i always thought my family was full of drama. and that nobody could ever experience such drama. and that the worst shit always happens to us. but fate proved me wrong, and i'm not that happy about it, cuz there are meaner people it could happen to

-some people are born with a diamond-studded, gold plated spoon and are miserly as shit. some people are born with just their bare hands and are generous as they are poor.

-not everyone has the fortune of being this young and accomplishing this much. and to sacrifice it all for family. even if they don't appreciate it, I DO. happy birthday darling

-is it all worth it?

- i cant believe they're getting married! im so happy yet so apprehensive. so young they are. but happy for them. remember darl, i am yr wedding planner and u better expect some majoooor planning.yipeeee

-some people have everything they want in life but are just not satisfied and choose to go finding things to be unhappy about. no idea why.

-what is happening to us? is this what is all boils down to? we used to be able to talk about anything and anything. now i feel like i gotta step around and poke and ensure its safe before i start a topic

-stop interferring in our business and then blame me when u get scolded. if u had minded your own shit, u wouldnt be involved anyways. i cant believe its starting alreadi. argh woman, u're pissing me off.

-thanks for everything. realli.

on another note, i think i am doing quite well on this expectations thing. no expectations, no hurt. :)

p.s toothie, whoever u are, i know what u mean. in fact, that is what stirred that post. all i can say is, life's like that. we can't do anything cept maybe, strengthen our hearts :)

p.p.s i wish it'd snow. sigh. all these christmas movies are making me siao.

p.p.p.s merry xmas to all my christian friends! :)

KaLa Had Some Curry @ 2:29 AM |

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