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Sunday, January 08, 2006 well im back...wahahahahaha...well im so lazy to blog la. soooooooo many things haf happened, some bad, mostly good... well 2006 is here...the year i turn 21!!!!! im so excited! 21!!!! i cant believe it tho...cuz i kind of just turned 20. hahahaha. speaking of which, my bdae went perfectly, loved all the presents, the suprises, the cakes, the people, the love, the hugs, the kisses, clubbing at momo, the exceptions that took place for that dae, the much much happiness..was all bliss..had a great 20th bdae, with the people who truly matter... been clubbing lots lately..but gotta stop soon...uni's starting again and im determined to study hard..need to do well to make up for the tremendous horrible shit taht i did in sem1.. so yes, NO MORE CLUBBING (after the 14th wif e guys, to MOS. hahahahaha) aniweis, ive made many resolutions for this yr, some of which are ridiculous, like to stop clubbing... ( i said stop clubbing during sem, NOT THE WHOLE FREAKING YR...) 1. lose weight. not drastic. skinny bones sorta figure. but to, at least an acceptable...sort of ok person...maybe abt 5kg? 2. study super hard. need to bring up my super-cannot-believe-it CAP score... 3. START SAVING! my savings account has been going through a terrible drought for the past 20 yrs. but hopefully this yr will change, as ive settled my debts, and kind of settled down..so yes, SAVE! 4. get my license! its in e process...in e process... 5. find out who are my true frens...something that i've been trying to do for a long time..its not tt im bragging, but i have a knack for being socialable..but that has its ups n downs..ppl tend to make use of u for yr contacts, for others, for themselves, for making THEMSELVES more socialable...yes, its time i make frens who like me FOR ME, and not for my frens, others that i mite know, or good things that mite come out for them. frankly, im sick of tt..unless of course, i offer to do stuff for u, then its fine... 6. sort of a continuation of 5, get in touch with my old frens...have been making the first step...so lets see where this goes.. 7. treasure my family..ive neglected them too much these few months cuz of work studies and partying..time to give them my time. my mum, my dad, sisters, niece, BIL, grandma, aunts, uncles, cuzins..everyone. i loveeeeee em! 8. be nicer to vik..he deserves it for being such a sweetie pie to me, dear i promise, i will try to give in to u more! hahahaha, till then, u can continue giving in to me.. *MUACKX!* HEHEHEHE well that's it folks...till next time, adios!
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