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Tuesday, November 29, 2005 IT IS OVER!FINALLY! MY EXAMS ARE OVER!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!however, it is rather hard to believe i haf finished one sem of my NUS life, hmmmmm time flies fast ya.. OH WELLS. niwei met pearl n minah in town for dinner. wow had fun in such a looooong time. logais n his new gf dropped by. she seems nice, tho at first sight, i woulnt haf taken to her tt much. but after talking to her, seems orite. hope this one lasts. they seem happy together. honeymoon period la. awwwwwwwwwwww im sneezin!!! ah so suay to fall sick AFTER EXAMS! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO YES malz jo n gra, we SHALL GO OUT! i will date u guys out. awwww. we shall haf a lomantic time looking at guys n ooogling. hehehehehe n yes jo, we'll freeze our butts sooooon... tmrw ive got work, and wed, and thurs and fri. sighhhhhhhh i wanna change jobs. no matter how much i love my colleagues, the pay is stinking lowwwwwwww. and i dun reali wanna do service anymore. mayb i shd stick to tution full time. sigh. oooook anyone wants to teach sec4 physics in bukit panjang? pls let me know i got lobang. i dun teach physics mah. ok la im gg to go off now. nite peeps! muackx from e free meeeeeeeee. (0) comments Monday, November 28, 2005 ONE more paper to go!!! wooooo hoooojust ended my thai paper. woohoooo, it was quite good la, yay!!! aniwei y'dae's wedding went greattttt..besides e fact tht i was embarrased and teased mercilessly. sigh. well that's wad u gotta do when ure e gf of e guy who's e next in line to get married. sigh. but it was damn funny la, wads wif e chopsticks and the "under-table-drinking" and my dear "COUSIN" and all e jokes. lol. i was laughing so much. hahahha. and the guys all looked DAMN good in their formal wear, coats n suits, whheeet whhhheeeeeet. ahhaha sure a big change from their usual jeans/shorts/teeshirts/super cassual sometimes dun even wear shirt attitude. hehehe gg clubbin wif em on dec 10th, dunno why tt particular date bt ram boy is adamnant on gg that dae. so yeah. and he's adamnant on gg to zouk or phuture. so i dunno wads up wif him. lol the mornin weddin was also not too bad, saw some of my relatives there. no shock, since my family is related to 3/4 of singapore's indians. sigh. even saw my dance teacher there, which reminds me, gotta go to dance workshop next week. sigh. haven been excercising for 2 weeks!! fats all getting bigger n bigger n bigger. sigh. aniwei im soo glad none of my relatives came for e evenin dinner. it was pracctically announced onto e mike tht im gg to get engaged on dec31st. i am realli going to KILL those guys. sigh. but it was all done in e name of fun, so no harm. just gotta threaten them once in a while. hahaha. aniweiz back to studyin. my LAST paper is at 5 pm. ends at 7pm. 7 hrs and 55 more mins! woooohooooooo. so who wants to go out after exams? (0) comments Sunday, November 27, 2005 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh one more day to go...this time tmrw, i'l be. erm preparing to write my bio-d paper. lol. well it'd be over in 26 hrs and ten mins!!!aniwei i feel like crying. watching the hiv aid support show on suntv. so sad. sigh. feel like i shd do sth. but i dunno wad to do. sigh. oh wells gotta go study, then gg over to furama hotel for e wedding reception, sighz. (0) comments Monday, November 21, 2005 i am officially digressing from studying.arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok i have 5 and 31/34 of chapters left before im done wif stupid organic chem. now if only i can remember all e rest 18++ chapters i haf learnt. sigh. todae's south asian paper was pretty orite. there were some freaks seated ard me who were asking for 2nd booklets!!! and one booklet is 10 pages!! and there's 3 questions only!! i was alr quite proud of myself tt i wrote 9 pages n these freaks, trying to win guiness record i think. sigh. oh wells, at least i finished e paper. aniweiz i haf sth happy to report. im getting kinda closer to miruna now. yay! yeha i know we're supposed to be best frens, so wds this sheit abt getting closer. well recently we were'nt very close cuz of certain misunderstandings abt certain guys. oh wells girls, see, shd never let guys come btw u'll. but recently we cleared up e air, mainly cuz she was taking flu medicine n feeling woozy and suddenly brought up topics abt a certain guy she normally will abstain from. hahaha. well we talked it out, she regrets doing n saying certain things she did n wish she cld turn back time. i regret introducin e both of em actually, cld haf saved lots of trouble. and saved a poor guy from a heartbreak. olh wells, we promised each other we'll talk things out wif tt guy after exams. *prays it goes well* aniweiiiiiii im so so so sick of studying, guess u'll all know tt by now, by my non-stop whining. shall.try.to.stop.whining hmmm sat was ram boy's bdae. i think it was pretty fun, haha, but too bad i cldnt go over to amaran's wif em, since i haf sickening exams to study for. im being more n more confused over my mum's behaviour. i reached home at 1 30 (without telling her tt i will be late) and e only thing she asked me (in a non-scolding voice) was "why so late" and then i said "oh they were all dancing n all..then stretch till like tt" and i half expected her to scream at me, almost ran into my room, and all she said was "hmm ok. are u going to study thru e nite or gg to sleep? wad time to wake u up tmrw?" i almost fainted.. well if u guys know my mum well, its a SUPER big shock. cuz she's one of those disciplinarian mothers. but she's kinda looosened up recently. i dunno why! that dae i casually brought up e topic of tattoos and tho she clearly was not happy she said "not now ma, now dun want," and i almost cried tears of joy. last time, she will just say "NO" and give one look which will beat hurricane katrina anytime. oh well, times change. and im not complaining. hahahaha hmmmmm wad else is there to say. ya one more thing. I HAF TO GO BACK TO STUDYING!!! good nite peeps. looking forward to mondae evening, where all my troubles will be over by now..YEAH! then its P-A-R-T-Y time!!!!!! woooohoooooo for now, back to Nucleophillic Addidition Reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones. puke blood ah. (0) comments Thursday, November 17, 2005 ah im so stressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pimples pimples everywhere,as if e ones i haf aint enuf by itself. HMM wads there to say? nothing! exams suck. i forgot how much i hated exams. to think i wanted to get back to school after As!! well it was vik's bdae ydae.... :) went down to his place at 12 midnite to "suprise" him. "suprise" as he knew i was coming down due to a sms blunder. but he pretended not to know cuz he din want me to feel bad.. awwwwwwwwww anyway e guys were trying to make him drunk. lol as usual. i just sat there sipping my sprite. din wan2 go home wif alcohol breath. cme back ard 2. suprisingly mum n dad allowed me to go, n even asked me to bring a piece of e cake back. hahahhaha. hmmmmm wad else is there. busy studying. but manageed time to go n see Shangari's arrangetram (dance "graduation" ) on sundae. wow im so glad i went. it was super! i almost cried. acrtually, there WEERE tears. i realli think i wld laff at some1 if they told me they cried at an arrangetram. but i did!! i dunno, maybe it cuz lately my teacher's being going on abt how we wldnt be able to take e stress of arrangetram preperation n even sunitha n rathi r scared of doing their arrangetram n they're in e so-called "senior" class. so when i saw her dancing so beautifully, wif so much stamina!!! ( her varnam was abt half an hour long!!!), i just felt so overwhelmed. n since i know her, it was like a feeling of pride, like wow, she did it. hmm aniwei she did a great job, such that she was given a standin ovation and it moved me n yoges to tears. lol. and it was e first time i sat thru a 2 hr performance not feeling bored but instead was attentive n mesmerized. now that's a mark of a true performer. i hope my arrangetram (if it evaaaa happens) will be somewhere ard tt standard. aniwei i saw malz dearie at e arrangetram, sadly din get to talk to her besides waving n on e phone. heh. i reali wannna go clubbin after exams. prob on e first wed after e end of my exams. which issss, let me see, 30th nov nite! wow wad a great bang to e end of november n to welcome december! so who wants to gooooooooooo. shd be going to either O-BAR (as usual) or maybe i shd try some new clubs. heard momo's good on wed nite. ok who wants to gooooooooooooooooo. malz? logais? jo? pearl? babes? come come lets go! ok back to studyin.so anti-climax rite.i have half of my stats plus half of my organic chem plus two thirds of south asian plus ALOT of bio-d n thai. last 2 im leaving it for fridae as i have 3 full days to study for em. n bio-d is open book. nite peeps, muackx (0) comments Thursday, November 10, 2005 hey guys sorrie for e hiatus.well well wad has happened. well lots. haha. deepavali has came n went. was pretty good, but i kinda regret not studyin duing those hols i had. sigh. well no use crying over spilt milk ya? hmmm i had my maiden visit to ASHOKA. lol. no wonder thy'ere closing down. jhahahha. oh wells it was fun cuz i went wif my cuzins. SOME ppl got drunk. wahhahahaha. NEXT time, we're gg to an english club aignt? i just cant dancce to tamil melodious songs la. how la, tell me how to dance to mayiliragae?? exams are coming soon, VERY SOON, starting in 11 days time, ending in 18 days time! A.R.G.H and im so confused cuz there's RAM's bdae party n Priya's (vik's cuzin) wedding RIGHT SMACK in e middle of my exams. i know i haf to study but howw.. if i dun go to Ram;s bdae party and go to priya's wedding, ram will see me at e wedding n i'm dead, esp since he called me up personally n said tt he wants me to come. and if i go to his parrtty and dun go to e wedding, vishnu n vinoth will kill me when they see me at e party. ESP since priya sent me 2 INVITATIONS, for both e morning and evening events. sigh. confusion confusion. aniweiz im just gonna study as much as possible n MAYBE, FOR E FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, i wil finish studying before e exams. sigh. yeah. rite. ok la lecture started alreadi. see ya all soon. i hope. btw impersonator, ure getting boring, move on. malz, i miss ya tooooooo. we shall meet up in 18 days time. when my exams end. heh heh. see ya all muackx. (0) comments |
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