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Sunday, December 05, 2004 prom's over!well, prom itself was not very fun..was kinda boring..electin of prom king n queen also..n food wasnt tt great..yeah i sound like a whiner but its true! the fun part was seeing everyone dressed up, taking pics, dressing up at pan pacific, clubbing! n gg back to pan pacific n telling ghost stories, sleeping at 5 plus am, n waking up at 7 plus am..hahaha clubbin was so fun..been so long since i last went..i reali let out steam..supposed to go cheekys wid dal, priya vik n all..but dal n priya last min din wanna go..haikz nvm shall not tok abt tt..after tt i wasnt in e mood to go alreadi..it was like e 100th time my clubbing plans haf been foiled..its like im not fated..but thank god vik was wif me..he called down his cuzins vishnu n vinod n we all went to this indian-tamilan club called naughty nine..actually i went there before, in 2002 i think..wif vik logais n vj..but tt was when it was at clarke quay n abit bigger..this new one was at concourse building..abit out of e way, but goood.. the club owner was vinod n vishnu's fren..so we got in free n got cheap drinks..haha..i usually dun like to drink beeeer..but after tt dae, im not so againt it anymore..haha..at first i was juz amused looking ard cuz ive never been to an indian club before..crowd there is much older..all above 20 at least..i think i was one of e youngest..saw a few cute guys..haha..later on vinod brought all his influential big shot frens..so they opened bottle (woah rich ppl) n we all got free drinks! chivas is damn nice to drink! better wif soda n giner ale then wif coke, but dun tell vik cuz i refused to give in to him...hahaha danced wif vishnu, was fun..haha..then danced wif vik also fun..hahha..had a gr8 time dancing n drinking n relaxing..dancin to tamil music totally diff from english..its reali fun n u can look silly n noone will laugh..well except me..haha..i was juz laffin away at e drunkard dancers on e floor..i named one bouncer..cuz he was bouncing instead of dancing..n he was so short n fat! it was so cute..lol.. tried to find some pretty girls fer vishnu but to no avail cuz they all came wif bf's in row..lol..oh i saw kumar! as in rara show kumar, as in cooking show kumar, as in boom boom room cross dressing kumar..wah at first, from back view, i tot it was a pretty girl n was pointing him out to vishnu..lol..vishnu almost killed me..hahaa..he looked hot from e back! realli! lol..we were betting to see who shd go up to him n ask him where he bought his wig from..lol..he dance also damn happenin..like a chick! hahaha..some guys were like throwin themselves on him (hopefully they were drunk) it was nauseating n funny to watch at e same time..thennnn, vinod's fren(one of e bigshot, influential one) knows kumar so he brought him over to our table..i was e onli girl at e table..wif like 10 other guys..so kumar immediately stuck out his hand to me n shook it..saying "nice to meet u kala darling" lol the guys claimed he wanted some "female bonding" hahaha..damn fun damn fun.. but sadly the club closed a while after 3..vinod's frens wanted to go to another club in clarke quay called desire..an english club, cuz its open till 6..but we all ran away from them cuz vishnu was tired, vinod was broke n vik was also broke..lol, personally i wld haf wanted to go but i was kinda broke as well..haha but they realli took care of me..i like paid a total of 15 bucks tt day including cab fare back to pan pacific! lol...cheapest clubbing experience of mine man.. vinod n vishnu went back to balestier area to eat supper..they wanted me to come along but pan pacific was nearer concorde then balesteier so vik sent me back first..i was kinda high but sobered up in e cab.. vik n his cuzins realli know how to take care of me..hahaha..i felt so welcomed! i realli wanna go clubbing wif them some more..they're realli funnnnny ok..esp vishnu..his jokes r good man..n spontaneous..realli fun..lol.. went back to pan pacific n entered this dark room n sa loooked like a ghost wif a torch light at her face..haha they were telling ghost stories..after i changed i joined them..but after like half an hour most of em were asleep! alcohol still in my body, i totally wasnt sleepy! haha so me ganesh n joey continued talking, in e dark..then stupid joey fell asleep..haha..by then it was alreadi 5 so i suggested we all sleep..joey at first didnt want to but we made him cuz he's e one who looked e most likely to die of exhaustion..i slept on e floor, beside ganesh n it was so freakin cold..still haven got to sleep ard 5 45 n ganesh was wonderin aloud who else was awake..me n chris replied..so he suggested we go watch sunrise..i told em they were crazy cuz my legs were achin from dancin in those ultra high heels..so those 2 crazy pigs went to watch "sunrise" lol..i slept a little after tt n woke up ard 7 plus cuz those idiots came back SCREAMING..hahaha..they were so damn loud la! u wanna sleep also cannot..i gave up kicking ganesh after 15 mins (mostly cuz he was threatening to jump on me) n joined in e racket..lol..joey was sleeping like a baby! we were screaming e hotel down n he was sleeping in e same position, not even flinching! he was e last to awake..lol..we played charades which was freaking hilarious..then one by one each grp started to leave till onli left me,joey,sa,chris n ganesh..i being e ultra mummy..went ard cleaning..tho they were all informing me tt e hotel pays ppl to do tt..lol..then we watched tv, gossiped n juz talked crap..haha..went fer bruch at bk n ljs n after toking more crap about e colour of sa's vomit n foetuses, we went home.. tot i cld go home n sleep cuz i was reali whacked n also juz started havin cramps (wad timing!)..then my cuzin calls n says there's a hotel room (AGAIN!) at swissotel cuz my uncle is e secretary of e Singapore Amatuer Athelete Association n they gave him a room cuz of e marathon todae..so we the youngies (vanithaka, niran, krishna n me) went over to stay! woooo was shiok! first we went shopping then we went back to e room, hung ard, took baths, explored e room n then niran left cuz he had to attend a fren's bdae party..me krishna n vanithaka decided to make full use of our free stay..vanithaka went to swim..me n krishna went to gym to work out..i told ya i was gg to diet n lost weight after As!! worked out fer like an hour plus..it felt soooo good..the gym was so damn nice man..got earphones to look at e tvs..i was watching simpsons n mtv..hahahha..i worked out abt 1000 calories..yeah! then after tt vanithaka came to find us..she said all e ang mohs were staring at her cuz she was swimming 1000 laps in one hr n they were all onli swimming one or two laps..haha..so me n vanithaka went to e female spa while krishna went to e male spa..wah spa was heaven! i burnt another 100 plus calories in e sauna..was so damn hot!!! then i went to e steam bath, jacuzzi, bubble lounge n other facilities...wah shiok..i felt so refreshed!!!!! u juz feel like ure floating..sigh im so gg to sign up fer spa membership once i get a job..sigh.. went back to e room, took another shower watched tv n went down to raffles city shopping ctre to haf dinner..walked down to citilink 7-11 to buy some stuff then walked back to e hotel..planned fer a chalet tt my cuzin booked..n im not gg to be there cuz i'll be in india!!! they were tryin to make me feel even more bad by telling me they are having e chalet to celebrate my absence n are even gg to call all my frens, esp vik! grrrr.. after toking crap n watching tv, we slept abt 330..then those iderts set alarm fer like 5 am!! saying they wanna swim before it gets too hot..grrr..but noone cld wake up..haha we all woke up at abt 7 plus 8..quite earli fer us! haha the guys went to eat e free breakfast while me n vanithaka lazed ard..then i went to take a shower..lol..ended up wetting e whole toilet..haha..the guys were complaining tt i haf washed e bathroom..hehe then e guys went to play tennis n vanithaka was gg to e spa again..but i left abt 11 cuz i was supposed to go vik's house to go get my backpack fer e trip..went to his place n got e bag..its huge! which is good cuz it means i can shop more!! yeah! then he was juz giving me all sorts of odd stuff..tt is why its good to haf a camp instructor as a bf! yeah! came home..n navina was here! yay! she's grown n she can roll over now! so cute! n she starts crying when when rolls.hahahaha..so cute!! n she does e "blrr" thing wif her mouth..u know spitting saliva out..ahah she's juz so adorable.. i haf yet to catch up on my sleep..lol..so tired..shall sleep earli todae.. gg to miss vik n my family so much when im in india..n frens too..esp vik n family..haf never been away frm them fer so long..sigh..hope e 20 days go past soon.. :/ ok i think i haf blogged enuf in this entry to make up fer my absence for e past few mths..HAHAHAHA..lol..ok am tired..haf to go pack..i haven even started..and im leavin in 3 daes! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S my bdae is coming in 23 days. ;)
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