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Thursday, October 28, 2004 dun worrie..im still alive.barely. pracs ended as of todae..all i can say is..GOOD RIDDANCE.. less than a mth to go fer As to end..exactly a week to go fer papers to start proper.. dunno if i shd scream out of happiness or horror. so fast! everything's juz so fast! (0) comments Tuesday, October 05, 2004 ok im back! i bought my digi cam! yeah!!!but i think i spent too much time clening e lens..looks kinda dirty now..cuz i probably wiped it too much! haha but cannot take it! so exciting! took a movie wif ganesh n joey..wah damn funny..too bad got no SINGAPORE'S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS. but wait, as if we arent copying american tv enuf. this sat is navina's one mth celebration. also got meeting fer akriti in e evening. sigh. why muz akriti always clash wif things that i always CANNOT RESCHEDULE. argh. i dun wanna give e impression tt im not interested. arghh. cuz i reali ammm..wanna do so much to help. paran told me he feels half our grp's treating it like as if they're gg fer a holiz..haha..thats sad tho. hmm. suddenly i miss my frens all so much. not all la. some of em. like malz, logais, preya n aishah. so much so tt i msged them todae mornin asking if we cld meet up this fri evenin fer dinner cuz i miss em. so far, onli malz replied. woohoo. sigh. maybe ey dun mish me. :/ also miss nair vj n hema. 2 out of 3 not in singapore anymore. 1 out of the 2 i haf got no contact with. argh. sad life. todae ganesh joey me wood n dal went to study at harbour front after our gp mock paper. was rather conducive. we did tys questions together one by one for a topic n then checked each other's qtns. now my that topic, which was one of my worst is much clearified! tmrw we'll get a chance to do more as we end earlier..so can finish up more! kinda exciting as we all can feel we're achieving sth..cant wait to study! . oh. no. did.i.just.say.that? todae's sch was so neh neh boo la..actually i onli went to school fer chem lect cuz its quite impt. it turned out to be impt so good rite. btw i was late AGAIN fer the 5th time in 2 weeks..haha then stupid teacher made me write down my name la. eh j2 alreadi rte. wads e use. gg to send me fer detention during dec holz zit. stupid. then after chem lect we wanted to go buger king/macs eat breakfast n study..cuz we werent planning to go fer maths lect n gp was onli at 1..chem ended at abt 9. stupid ah ma at e gate dun allow us leave la..irritaitng la..then my fren, the indian auntie came to find me n said sowwie..cuz she cant do anything cux e ah ma is complain queen. she actually wanted to let us go, (cuz im her fren! hahahahahaah) but the ah ma say cannot. argh. next time i see the ah ma im gg to trip her! so we stayed in sch to study. quite conducive at first. then got hot. so we wanted to shift to our homeroom. stupid sajc, not enuf electricity. so if hall air con is on, class air cons wld be off. my homeroom was like microwave oven. reading room packed so went lib. also quite conducive then started shiverin. haha yes i know. complain complain. then after long delibration, decided to go fer mock test in e end. had a nice 30 mins sleep during my paper1. haha but i still finihsed my essay know. and i think i did write some knowledgable stuff n not crap, like my prelims. paper 2 was spent staring at my hall wall. but also finished. quite proud of my application qtn. handwritting quite neat. WAHAHAHA im a freak. by e time we ended n waited fer wood (her hp kanna confiscated by ca-sissy-ey leong fer using it in e lib) was like 5..sighz.. woods sad cuz she still haven got back her hp as ca-sissy-ey leong went back home earlie. i think wood needs her priorities rite..stms she juz acts as if she finished her As alreadi. muz knock sense into her. but stms i feel quite bad cuz we mite haf gone too far. but stms reali cannot take it. one moment she's complaining tt she wun be able to make it fer e AS n the next she's discussing wif her fren wad movie to watch e next dae n where to meet fer dinner the dae after n where to go swimmin after tt! aiyoh wood! muz concentrate ok! dun take it as scolding but we care fer u..if not we wun bother if u pass or fail k? betta stop gg out so much n study study study! less than a mth to go!! woah. less than a month to go. (0) comments |
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