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Thursday, July 22, 2004 sighz im in school rite now..waiting fer 430pm so tt i can go harb0ur front teach vik's bro rishi tution.hmm i dun reali feel like using punctuation marks cept fer dots.so there.u gg to see a punctionless cept fer dots blog entry.hah.i know i shd be studying but dun reali haf e mood too.HAH.im baaaaaaaaaaaaad.wahhahahahaha. hmmmm i dunno wad to blog.lets seeee. im tryin to matchmake one of my fren to vik;s cuzin vishnu.i shall call tt fren F cuz she doesnt reali know im tryin to fix her up wif him.ok tt sounds bad.im not fixin her up, juz hopin theyll get to know each other n become good frens and wadeva happens after tt will be up to them :D so aniwei.we are meetin on a certain dae this week.hoping tt vik can bring vishnu over after a while and introduce them.sneaky sneaky.heh.so exciting.i need sth to pre occupy my mind besides As.yeah.rite.as if As alone is not enuf to preoccupy my whole mind rite. :/ haikx.haikx.haikx.i dun feel like bloggin abt how scared i am of e As.and how i fear if i'll ever get into e U.and how i fear tt i mite let my parents down.and myself down.and how i fear tt im gg to be a failure.but i juz did.bleagh.i hate bloggin abt serious stuff.cuz seeing my fears there rite in front of me makes me realise the depth of it.dun know if u guys will get wad im tryin to say.sigh. hmm i feel like gettin a new blog layout.shall go blog layout shoppin now.c ya. (0) comments Sunday, July 18, 2004 ok im back! ahahaha..yeah my keyboard's ok now..got a new one..but now my stupppiddddddddd display screen got problem..colours are all warped up! asrgjrdjaf! problems after problems! shutpid!well i dun reali know wad to update..lets see.. danced fer rapture (AGAIN) on saturdae..was all rite la..had fun wif marian n yoges, who did suchhh a huge favour fer me by agreein to dance wif me wif nth in return..and i had many many flowers! hahahaha..so fun..and i juz realised likE ASHOKA the pub is situated rite besdie kallang theatre..so after e performance..me marian n yoged wanted to go n see how's it like..but once we went to the floor, we were so paiseh..cuz we were dressed like beggars..lol..so we immediately took e lift down back to e first floor..hahahaha..then me n vik had an EXTREME quick supper at clementi cuz i didnt wnt him to miss e last bus (which he DID..SO HE had to tak4e some other bus n get down at toa payoh n walk home)..poor baby..sigh.. well got back my results.NOTHING. to brag abt.horrible.but im not gg to give up hope (too bad fer u!) and im gonna preservere n work hard n improve so much fer my prelims! yeah! been bondin wif vik's family alot..hahaha..went over for one of his auntie's functions...n yest went over fer seafood at marina wif his cuzins..i haf to say the latter was DEFINITELY much more enjoyable than e former..hahaha..had quite lots of fun..they're a funny bunch..his cuzins..yup.. hmm..i dunno wad else to write..cept tht5 im so fuckin pissed wif ma computer! indeed technology creates more problems than solutions! argh! (0) comments Friday, July 02, 2004 BLOCK TESTS 2 ARE OVER! ORITE~!(0) comments |
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