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Thursday, January 29, 2004 hey peeps! im baccckkkk,,anyway..as can be seen..ive changed my blog layout..yaya its sth different..i like it..dark and mysterious..i know..so NOT like me..but i dun reali care..needed a change from e old one..yes as my classmates will tell u..ive been practically ouring over the blogskins website fer dunno how many daes..so finally made up my mind todae..aniwei its not reali complete..still got quite alot of adjustments to do..but no time now..gotta rush fer dance prac..so i'll finish up everythin when ive got e time..tmrw or next week or sth..and yes..my home comp is STILL down...(0) comments Wednesday, January 14, 2004 hey guys! im back! woohoo! my homeroom's got 3 working comps n ive got plenty a free periods so guess updating is gonna be quite frequent from now on la..unless im busy rushing last min assignments or studying for some tests or something...WHICH may i mention, is wad i seem to be doing now a days..sigh..well ive been real busy..sigh...and u know wad..I GANIED SO MUCH GAZZILION weight froim last yr...gonna be in TAF..seriously..i aint kidding..my pe teacher told me so..sigh..so am on a diet..gonna try to lose 5 kg by 2 months..I CAN DO IT! woohoo! ok thiis stupid computer im using is getting blurer and blurer by the moment..and i am NOT going blind..its seriously gettin blurer..arghhh help..stupid computer..i cant even see wad im typing!! ok im using another comp now..skippd maths lect..oops notty gurl..bt i go also i wun understand cuz e lecturer toks nonsense..serious.. alreadi had 2 tests since sch re opened..another one comin up soon..sigh..its reali stressful taking As but im juz so out of focus..out of energy..out og spirit..out of motivation..these past 2 yrs here alreadi seem so long..maybe thats why pre u education is usually onli 3 yrs..im juz attendin sch..praying to God that time flies past ASAP n i can clear my As..3/4 of my frens are alreadi out there..working..after their As..and im still sloggin away in school..its juz..i cant take it anymore..an extra year reali seems long now..longer than it did last yr.. for all my frends who i haven reali kept in contact wif..im sorrie ya..home comp's been down fer abt 2 mths now..so i haven reali toked to loads of ma frens..ppl like aishah, preya, shalz, brindz, maran, etc etc..reali miss u guys.. call me up when u can k? *muackx* REALI hope this new yr turns out better than last yr..well not that last yr was bad..was pretty good in fact..i survived my 2nd first yr..and survived it quite well..lost a few freindships over time and silly arguements but strenghtened a gained much much more..learnt the meaning of real frens n gained many a few valuable lessons of life..of course, the most sweet memory was gettin attached to my baby.. :) hopefully i'll haf many more sweet memories to come this yr..i feel rather old..turinin 19 this yr..sigh..yes yes i know i haf abt 11 more mths fer me to turn 19..but u know..its still old..next yr..i;ll be 20! *gasp* this is my last yr of TEEN-hood! *faints* muz be mature alreadi..well not as if im not alreadi..hehehe shh! ics tmt comin up..on valentines dae..hope everthing goes well..gonna haf meetin later to discuss more..oh well..guess thats abt it..needa go study..sigh..thats basically wad my life revolves ard nowadays..sigh..its ok..i can do it..onli another 10 more mths to go! yes! (0) comments Friday, January 02, 2004 hi guys!!! i know i haven updated in a long while..that's cuz..TADA..my comp's spoilt..so expected rite..sigh..im in school now..first time im usin a comp in 2 mths..sobsob..its pathetic..yeah yeah its e first dae of school alreadi..argh..it sux ya know..ive alreadi got TONS of homework and every single teacher is remindin us that if we flunk this yr we flunk in our lifes blablabla..got a new tamil teacher..i cant believe im saying this but i ACTUALLY miss my old tyrant teacher..the new guy's so freakin boring n he's ALREADY picking on me..fine fine i know every single teacher picks on me so no suprise..but this guy is reali idiotic..sigh.. my timetable's screwed up..practically end at 5 everydae..the latest..onli haf one earli dae on tues..3 30 somemore..and wednesdaes la..BUT wed is my cca dae so no difference.. sameema juz came to join me in da lib..and she's gg on n on abt how she misses muthu..hahaha..even jeya says so..haha..wow i think muthu will be so touched..we're contemplating calin muthu n beg him to come back..heh sighhh this yr is going to be sooooooo long..i can so feel it..sigh..aniwei im here in school waiting fer miss ics president to come down fer the meeting she called fer..and guess where she is..AT HOME! arghhhh got dance class later somemore...sighhhhh... tmt's on 14 feb..VALENTINES DAE!!!! eafggg..but the good thing is that its onli in da morning..we finish by 3 latest...so better than nite show i guess..lalalalla.. oh i got my first pay..but its almoz all used up...paid my hp bills..bought stationary fer sister n myself and gave mum dad n grandma some money..used some fer new year's eve..sigh..im so fillial..lalalala..there goes all my money.. well so far there are NO CUTE J1s! so sad ok..all look either damn paikia or damn tut..so damn sad..and we had sooooo much lessons todae!!! so irritating..my brain's fried..thank god its fridae..no diff tho..got tons of homework to doooo..arghhhhh..chemistry bio maths..arghargharghhhh.. so my bdae came n went..was pretty good..started out rotten but ended up gooood..my mum gave me a white gold necklace wif a diamond pendant..im so in love wuif it..esp since i know that things arent exactly smooth sailing in her financial department..oh n vik gave me this real nice vase of flowers that im in love wif and this reali romantic box of saga seeds wif a love book :) quite happy wif all my presents..esp since i wasnt expecting much..thanks to all who made time fer me :) [ my wonderful family held a suprise partyy fer me in da evenin!] thanks to mum dad sisters anu auntie kathiyayini vijayan uncle kadi maama leksmi akka auntie sammema usha vik vj sunitha hema naz meena reshma thash yoges baoling etc etc..n thanks fer all those who wished me.. :) sorrie i cant write u all..ics meetin alreadi started n i gotta go soon b4 i get scolded by DA PRES.. ok well dunno when i can update agan..gonna be pretty busy in school and home's comp mite as well be in the dustbin..thanks fer visiting my page! heard from a no of u that uve been checking out my blog n quite upset that its not updated..thaNkew THANKEW my kind loyal fans..shall be back soonnnn...muaaaaaaaaackkkkkxxxxxx p.s sameema says hi :? 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